
Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

“The book of Revelation is, I fear, a very neglected book. Its symbolism belongs to the first century, not to our own age,” says Leon Morris in the preface to his commentary on Revelation. Here he explains the significance of the symbolism and shows the bearing of the message of Revelation on the problems of the day in which it was written.

This was the case with the roll John saw, for it was written on both sides. It was as full as it could possibly be. Some have identified the book with the Old Testament, others with Revelation itself. This approach is perverse. The book surely is that which contains the world’s destiny, and its contents are revealed to us pictorially as the seals are broken. The book was sealed with seven seals. Ladd and others hold that all seven seals were on the outer edge so that no part was opened till all the
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